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Category: Sessions of SPR

Twelfth Meeting of the Council for Development of the Skopje Planning Region was held

On the 11.06.2019 at 11.00, the twelfth session of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region was held in the premises of the Municipality of Centar. The meeting
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Eleventh Session of the Council for Development of the Skopje Planning Region was held

On the 15.03.2019 in the premises of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia was held the eleventh session of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region. At the meeting,
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X (tenth) meeting of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region

On the day of 26.12.2018 the tenth meeting of the Council for development of the Skopje region was held in the premises of the Municipality of Gazi Baba. The session
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The IX (ninth) meeting of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region was held

On November 30, 2018 IX (ninth) meeting of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region was held. Besides the Mayors from the Skopje planning region, representatives of the
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VI (sixth) session of the Council for development of Skopje planning region

In the House of Culture – “Ilinden”, Municipality of Ilinden on July 17, 2018 the 6th meeting of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region was held. In
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V (fifth) session of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region was held on May 29, 2018

In the premises of the Municipality of Kisela Voda on May 29, 2018 the fifth session of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region was held. The session
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IV (fourth) session of the Council for development of the Skopje Planning Region was held

On 23.02.2018 in the premises of the City of Skopje was held the fourth session of the Council for development of the Skopje Planning Region. The session was chaired by
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III (Third) Session of the Council for Development of the Skopje Planning Region was held

On 27.12.2017 in the Municipality of Gazi Baba – in the meeting hall was held III (Third) session of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region. The meeting
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Second session of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region was held

On December 4, 2012, in the premises of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, II (second) session of the Council for development of the Skopje region was held. The session was
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XIX Session of the Council for Development of the Skopje Planning Region

On September 6, 2017, the Center for Development of the Skopje Planning Region held the XIX (nineteenth) regular meeting of the Development Council for Skopje Planning Region, where it was
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