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Workshop for the second public call "Local and regional competitiveness" (PLRK)


March 19, 2018


With the publication of the second public call for expressions of interest for “Investments sub-grants in infrastructure related to tourism and connectivity in destinations”, published by the Unit for the implementation of the Local and Regional Competitiveness (LRC), and funded by the European Union through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPAII), the Center for Development of the Skopje Planning Region organized a workshop where representatives from the municipalities of the Skopje region were invited.
The purpose of this workshop is to look at the needs and priorities of the municipalities in the Skopje region in order to find the most competitive and most appropriate projects that the municipalities in partnership with the Center for Development of the Skopje Region will be able to apply for the call, and from whose results benefited for the entire Skopje region.
The main objective of the Local and Regional Competitiveness Project is to strengthen the contribution of tourism and local economic development and to enhance the capacities of the Government and state institutions in order to encourage the development of tourism and facilitate the management of destinations.
After the presentation, discussions and proposals for possible projects that could be applied were developed.
The link for the call:
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