In the organization of the Center for development of the Skopje Planning Region on 15.12.2017 in h.Continental, a workshop was held on the topic: “Strengthening the capacities and the significance of the regional development – establishing coordination between the LED departments in the municipalities of the Skopje planning region and CDSPR” .
Representatives from the Ministry of Local Self-Government, the Bureau for Regional Development, the Municipalities of the Skopje region and the Business sector were invited to the workshop. The greeter of the workshop was the Head of the Center for Development of the Skopje Planning Region, Mrs. Roseta Arsovska. She emphasized that this workshop is of particular importance for the new members of the LED departments in the municipalities as well as for the elderly with whom they have worked so well.
The employees of the Center for Development of the Skopje Planning Region through presentations tried to transfer the essential things for the center, ie they had the opportunity to introduce the participants to the way of implementing the policies for balanced regional development:
- Law on Balanced Regional Development of the Republic of Macedonia Mr., Mr. Vanco Kulumoski – Advisor for Legal and Normative Affairs
- Strategy for Balanced Regional Development of the Republic of Macedonia Mr., Mr. Vanco Kulumoski – Advisor for Legal and Normative Affairs
- Programme for Development of the Skopje Planning Region 2015 – 2019, Mr. Ozan Ademovski – Coordinator for Regional Development
- Work and functioning of CDSPR, Ms. Rozeta Arsovska – Head of the Center for Development of the Skopje Planning Region
- Strategic documents of regional significance, Roseta Arsovska – Head of the Center for Development of Skopje Planning Region
- Analyzes and studies of importance for the regional development and the Skopje Planning Region, Ms. Rozeta Arsovska, Head of the Center for Development of the Skopje Planning Region
- Drafted technical documentation by CDSPR for Skopje Planning Region, Ms. Roseta Arsovska – Head of the Center for Development of the Skopje Planning Region
- Programme for Balanced Regional Development of the Republic of Macedonia, Ms. Irina Trostjanska – Advisor for administrative and technical matters
- IPA Programme for Cross-Border Cooperation RM – RK 2014 – 2020, Ms. Irina Trostjanska – Advisor for Administrative and Technical Works
- Programme for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Igor Troshanski, representative from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management – IPARD Managing Authority
A special interest aroused the presentation of the Programme for using the funds from the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for Rural Development of the European Union IPARD for the period from 2014-2020 realized by Mr. Igor Trosanski, representative from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy – Management body IPARD.
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