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The VIII-th session of the Council for Development of Skopje Region was held


March 19, 2015



On January 28,2015 at 11:00am Council for Development of Skopje Region held its VIII session.
The main focus of the meeting was to discuss the proposed list of projects of regional interest for application of the call: Scheme for financial support to third parties (SFS) financed by GIZ RED and EU to develop technical documentation. Considering the amount of financial funds and priority of the projects Mayors voted unanimously that the Centre for Development of Skopje region should apply the following two projects: “Development of technical documentation for the regulation of the course of river Lepenec” and “Developing study for evaluation of Skopska Crna Gora”.
Also, at the session a new program of the Skopje region for the period 2015-2019 was adopted, as well the Action Plan for the implementation of the program for 2015.
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