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VI (sixth) session of the Council for development of Skopje planning region


July 22, 2018



In the House of Culture – “Ilinden”, Municipality of Ilinden on July 17, 2018 the 6th meeting of the Council for development of the Skopje planning region was held.
In addition to the mayors from the Skopje region, guests at the meeting were invited and attended:

  • Ms. Louise Vinton – United Nations Resident Representative
  • Ms. Biljana Cvetanovska Gugoska – Project Manager UNDP
  • Mr. Prof. Nikola Jankulovski, PhD – The University of “St. Cyril and Methodius “- Skopje
  • Mr. Oliver Gocevski – Chairperson of the Agency for Financing Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Macedonia

The session was chaired by the President of the Council for Development of the Skopje Planning Region, Mr. Boris Georgievski.
The session was held on the agenda. Following was the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Council of the Skopje Planning Region and the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”. The purpose of this memorandum is the mutual capacities and experiences to be used for the development of future projects of all 18 municipalities in the Skopje planning region.
Ms. Louise Vinton, United Nations Resident Representative addressed the participants with a brief presentation of the Grant Scheme for Support to the Centers for Development of the Planning Regions and all 17 sustainable development goals that are a prerequisite for granting a grant of a total value of 33,700, 00EUR. While Ms. Biljana Cvetanovska Gugoska – Project Manager UNDP informed the participants about the new Grant Scheme call that will be targeted only to rural municipalities.
A project was selected by the Council for the Center for Development of the Skopje region to apply for the grant of a grant of 33.700,00EUR granted by the UNDP. Partners in the project are the municipalities of Gazi Baba, Karposh, Chucher Sandevo, Gjorche Petrov and Saraj. The project is for the construction of a new day care center for children with special needs and the purchase of a vehicle for transport of children with disability / disability.
Next was an informative presentation by Mr. Oliver Gocevski, the director of the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Macedonia for the Public Call from the Programme for Financial Support and Rural Development for 2018, which clarified the conditions and the manner of applying.
The Mayor of the Municipality of Centar, Mr. Sasa Bogdanovic, was appointed at the local level for the official representative from the Skopje Planning Region for cooperation with the municipalities in the Republic of Serbia.
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