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Realization of the project "Preparation of documentation necessary for establishing integrated and financially sustainable system for waste management in Pelagonia, Southwest, Vardar and Skopje region"


January 16, 2017



As part of the IPA program, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning in cooperation with the planning regions in the ongoing implementation of the project “Preparation of necessary documents for establishing integrated and financially sustainable system for waste management in Pelagonia, Southwest, Vardar and Skopje region“. The project is funded by the European Union, and as an end user occur above mentioned regions. Formed Board of Directors comprised of representatives of several institutions, municipalities, along with representatives from the European Union are directly involved in monitoring and implementing the project tasks. The project began to be implemented on 22/12/2015 and shall be implemented within 24 months. The overall objective is to achieve an integrated and financially sustainable system for waste management in Pelagonia, Southwest, Vardar and Skopje region.
Within the project will be developed following documents:

  • Regional plans for waste management (RPWM) for each region
  • Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for RPWM for each region
  • Feasibility studies for establishing integrated and financially sustainable system for solid waste management for each region (SIUCO)
  • Analysis of costs and benefits for SUICO for each region
  • Evaluation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for SIUCO for each region
  • Detailed design and cost estimate for closure, rehabilitation and aftercare for non-standard municipal landfills and dumps, and preparation of selected facilities for treatment and disposal of waste for each region
  • Assess needs, market analysis with estimates of costs and Technical Specifications (TS) for the purchase of equipment for collection and transfer of waste for each region and
  • Tender documentation for all contracts, ie for construction of selected facilities for treatment and disposal of waste and closure, rehabilitation and aftercare of non-standard municipal landfills and dumps for each region.



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