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Presentation of the second project to improve municipal terms from the World Bank


October 16, 2016


Centre for Development of Skopje Planning Region in collaboration with the World Bank and the Ministry of Finance on 14/10/2016 held an informative event for the second project for improvement of municipal conditions. At the event of the mayors and representatives of the seventeen municipalities within the Skopje Planning region. The presentation of grants and credit lines and their benefits, has followed Ms. Ljubica Patlidzhankovska, Representative of the World Bank in Macedonia.
Head of the Centre for Development of Skopje Planning Region, Mrs. Roseta Arsovska in his opening speech, said that the event is meant to overcome ambiguities in the preparation of project and technical documentation as well as to overcome the mistakes that commonly has an objection the evaluation committee at the World Bank.

Currently, second call for loans for improvement of municipal services is ongoing. Calls are published on the website of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Local Government, the Association of the units of local self-government of the Republic of Macedonia-ZELS and the websites of the Regional Centres for Regional Development.
For that purpose, the representative of the World Bank, Ms. Patlidzhankovska make general problem faced when reviewing applications from municipalities, placing them into several categories: problems with technical documentation, often face an old documentation related problems property and legal issues where problems arise with the property, problems with the preparation of a feasibility study and procurement procedures as well as problems related to the implementation, associated with construction works, including monitornig.
In the past period, 58 municipalities were included within the previous calls with total realized 70 projects.
Ability to apply has every municipality that meets the criteria for a loan.



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