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Memorandum for Cooperation between Humanopolis – Foundation for Education and Development and Centre for development of Skopje region


December 22, 2010



The cooperation between the two institutions will be based on the following principles: commitment, openness, accuracy and dutifulness, smooth communication, the priority of one partner in the selection of partners in realization of the set objectives within the priority programs for implementation by both institutions as well as basic principles of operation of both institutions.
Cooperation will be realized through active involvement of Macedonian Institute for Integration in realization of the mentioned strategic areas, with service delivery, suggestions, ideas, training for specialized and intensive education for recognition, preparation, application, implementation and evaluation of required project proposals and ideas for application and utilization of EU funds organizing an events for promotion of individual interests including the opportunities for development of Skopje region in Republic of Macedonia as well as in EU (Republic of Slovenija) networking and forming strategic partnerships for key projects at national, regional and global level (especially projects for EU pre-accession funds and particularly partnerships with organizations and institutions from the Republic of Slovenia as one of the leading countries in the utilization of EU funds), knowledge transfer and experiences in various areas through expertise of professionals from the country and abroad through joint organizing lectures, debates, conferences, training, and practical visits to similar institutions in the Republic. Slovenia.
Both institutions, also, understand that it is important to cooperate in the delivery of other services that will lead to achieving and reinforcing the motto: Skopje region – leader of the regional development on the way to the European family



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