On 8th May, 2015 in Skopje was held fourth advisory event for SMEs, organized by the Business Center of the Skopje Region. The theme of the event Business strategy was set at the request of business representatives who continually attend these events in April. The event was attended by more small, medium-sized companies, representatives of ministries and agencies as well as municipalities.
The Project Coordinator of the Business Center of SPR Ms. Rosalia K. Vasilevska, opened the event and addressed the audience by emphasizing that this is the fourth event in a row in the series of six informational / advisory events for support SMEs in the Skopje region. From previous attendance of previous events, more than 150 representatives of SMEs in the region obtained evaluation that these events on current topics are interesting, necessary and extremely useful for companies in today’s dynamic business environment. Visitors had the opportunity to suggest topics of interest, and today is just one of them.
The instructor of the advisory event Ms. Svetlana Petrovska, Managing Director, TARGET KOMUNIKACII and lecturer at the American College, in her speech ins everal hours spoke on the subject Business Strategy, how to reach optimal choice on the market, about choice of profitable product as one of key factors for growth of the company and the reorganization and restructuring as a tool for increasing the profits of the company. With rich and vibrant interactive discussion participants companies had the opportunity to test several practical tools on their own business strategies to improve the opportunities for growth thereof, as PESTLE, CPM, model Michael Potter, RBV, SWOT and others.
Formation of Business Centre for support and advisory services to small and medium enterprises in the Skopje region (BC-SNR) is technically and financially supported by the Ministry of Local Government and Unated Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
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