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ADVERTISEMENT For the election of the Director of the Center for the Development of the Skopje Planning Region-1 executor for a fixed period of time for a period of 4 years


November 17, 2022


Based on Article 22 and Article 23 of the Law on Labor Relations (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova No. 62/2005, 106/2008, 161/2008, 114/2009, 130/2009, 50/10, 52/10, 124/10, 47/11, 11/12, 39/12, 13/13, 25/13, 170/13, 187/13, 113/14, 20/15, 33/15, 72/15, 129/ 15, 27/16 and 120/18 and “Official Gazette of RSM” No. 110/19, 267/20, 151/21 and 288/21) and in accordance with Article 26 paragraph 8, paragraph 9, paragraph 10, paragraph 11, paragraph 13 and article 27 paragraph 1 of the Law on Balanced Regional Development (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova No. 24/2021 and 174/21), Pursuant to Article 2 of the Decision of the Session of the Development Council of the Skopje Planning Region Part No. 02- 117/5 of September 28, 2022, the Council for the Development of the Skopje Planning Region announces


For the election of the Director of the Center for the Development of the Skopje Planning Region-1 executor for a fixed period of time for a period of 4 years

A person who meets the following conditions can be elected as Director of the Center:

  • to be a citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia;
  • at the time of the appointment by a final court judgment, he has not been sentenced to a fine or misdemeanor sanction prohibiting him from performing a profession, activity or duty;
  • to have acquired at least 240 ECTS credits, i.e. completed VII/1 degree education in the field of legal, economic or technical sciences;
  • to have work experience of at least five years, of which at least two years with management of development projects in the field of local and regional development;
  • to possess one of the following internationally recognized English language proficiency certificates not older than two years:

a) TOEFL with at least 74 points,

b) IELTS with at least 6 points,

c) ILEC (Cambridge English: Legal) with at least B2 level,

d) FCE (Cambridge English: First) – passed,

e) BULATS with at least 60 points or

f) APTIS – at least level B2 (B2) and

– active knowledge of computer programs.

In addition to the stated conditions for employment stipulated by the Law on Balanced Regional Development, the candidate must also fulfill the other general conditions for employment stipulated by the Law on Labor Relations (be of legal age, actively use the Macedonian language, have general health ability for work place).

Required documents for application:

Candidates should submit:

  • Certificate of Citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia;
  • Certificate with a final court judgment that he has not been sentenced to a fine or misdemeanor sanction banning him from performing a profession, activity or duty;
  • Biography (CV);
  • Certified transcript of certificate-diploma for completed education;
  • Proof of work experience, copies of documents confirming the acquired work experience;
  • Internationally recognized Certificate of English language proficiency not older than two years;
  • Certificate/diploma for knowledge of computer programs;
  • Medical certificate as proof of general health ability for the job.

The mandate of the Director of the Center is 4 (four) years, with the right to re-election.

Огласот е отворен 4 (четири) работни дена од денот на објавувањето, вклучувајќи го и денот на објавувањето на огласот.

Working hours per week: 40; Working hours from 08:30 to 16:30;

Working days: Monday to Friday.

Basic net salary: MKD 44,062.00.00.

Applications for employment with the necessary documents should be submitted to the Archives of the Center for Development of the Skopje Planning Region – Skopje, at the address “Dimitrija Cupovski” street no. 13, first floor Chamber of Commerce Skopje.

Council for the Development of the Skopje Planning Region,
Boban Stefkovski



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